Our Coordinators
Overall coordinator
Marketing Coordinator
My main motivation is to be the part of the IIT Delhi iGEM team representing the country at MIT !!! It is going to be an amazing learning experience for me!
Lab Team Coordinator
My motivation For being a part of iGEM IIT Delhi 2014 is, surely the INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM in which I would be testing myself for the first time and simultaneously feeling really honoured to represent IIT Delhi @MIT..:) Also, its my first time here that I am interacting and working with teh undergrads at IIT Delhi .Looking forward to having good moments and memories with them..:)
Creative Team Coordinator
Abhishek Bharti - Final year, undergraduate. Doing B.Tech & M.Tech in Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology
I'm from Ranchi, Jharkhand. I am passionate about fine arts,graphic designing and of course synthetic biology.I joined our iGEM team as it is the perfect platform to pursue my hobbies and hone my skills . And at the same time participating in a prestigious international competition and representing my country at MIT in front of teams from all over the world would be quite an experience.
Our team
Aashika Sekar -3rd year undergrad of Biochemical Engg and Biotechnology
I am a native of a small town called Salem in the state of Tamil Nadu.The power of biology overwhelms me as it synchronizes all the streams of science including mathematics. Being a part of the iGEM IIT Delhi 2014 gives me the opportunity to work with a team that makes the impossible possible using synthetic biology.And I also get the privilege of representing my nation on the international platform...
Abhay Tanksali-3rd year undergrad of Biochemical Engg and Biotechnology
I am from Karnataka. I am into music and sports. My motivation behind participating in iGEM 2014 is that it will give me good exposure to the projects of colleges from across the world and moreover it is a chance for me to go to MIT
Arpit Jain - 2nd year undergraduate in textile technology
I am from Panipat, Haryana. I am inquisitive by nature and it is my curiosity about new things that has attracted me to iGEM . Biotechnology has always intrigued me and I believe that iGEM is an excellent opportunity for me to learn more about the practical aspects of this field.
Chirag Mittal - 3rd year undergraduate in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
I belong to Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh).I am a firm believer of the fact that if you work hard and be patient and sincere, you will achieve your goal. I joined the team to gain valuable experience and knowledge. Moreover, now I get a chance to go to MIT !!!
I belong to Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh).I am a firm believer of the fact that if you work hard and be patient and sincere, you will achieve your goal. I joined the team to gain valuable experience and knowledge. Moreover, now I get a chance to go to MIT !!!
Gunjan Gupta -3rd year undergraduate in Biochemical engineering and biotechnology
I am from Delhi. I am passionate about learning anything new.I joined the team to get a glimpse and hence get inspired from the innovations happening all over the world. This would not just take my competence and imagination to higher levels but would also give me an opportunity to be amongst the best minds from all over the planet. Is it not enough....
Ishan Tyagi - 2nd Year undergraduate in Engineering Physics
I'm from Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh).I like to explore different avenues. My motivation behind joining our iGEM team was the amount of exposure and creativity involved in this competition. iGEM is one competition which differentiates IIT Delhi from other institutes.
Ishan Tyagi - 2nd Year undergraduate in Engineering Physics
I'm from Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh).I like to explore different avenues. My motivation behind joining our iGEM team was the amount of exposure and creativity involved in this competition. iGEM is one competition which differentiates IIT Delhi from other institutes.
Nikhil Patidar- 3nd year undergraduate in Biochemical Engg. And Biotechnology
I belong to Indore (Madhya Pradesh.). My creative nature and the enjoyment I get from exploring new things led me to joining the iGEM team.I am genuinely interesed in Research. I have a keen interest in synthetic biology and participating in a competition of my field of interest and that too at MIT is a wonderful opportunity for me!
Rishabh Verma - 2nd year Undergraduate in Chemical Engineering
I live in New Delhi. I am passionate about football and music. I have a keen interest in biology and my desire to expand my knowledge led me to joining the iGEM team. More importantly, a competition like iGEM introduces you to practical aspect of the knowledge gained in class. Theory in practice that is what iGEM is!!!
Sanjay Singh- 2nd year M.S(R), Ranchi , DBEB
I joined the team as it provides the opportunity to learn something new and face new challenges! The experience from management or doing the lab work for such a competition is very unique! And the ideas which you come across add a completely new dimension to you thinking process. And to top it all, there is MIT !!!!!
Shashank Yadav- 3nd year undergraduate in Biochemical Engg. And Biotechnology
I belong to Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh). I am fascinated by the numerous applications of computer science in the field of biotechnology. A keen interest in the field of genetics and the novelty of the previous iGEM projects encouraged me to join our team.
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